
I'm flying with who?

Had tickets with another airline that fell through. Rushed the night before to a different city to catch this plane as all the other ones were booked...This is how the trip to southern Yunnan started.


Big dogs...AND knives, Museum.

Yes this was at the same museum! The only fun part of our trip back from the north.


Man, photo, mountain

Leaving the mountains we were escorted by the man with a white horse and a picture of him on the mountain in the background. The photo from the car window sums up a Chinese tour group, they only go anywhere for the photo. They could be standing on that mountain and the most important thing would be to get a picture standing on the mountain. The whole experience is making me rethink photography.


Ice Cave - Black Lake - Snow Mountains

The top of our climb. 5000+ feet, only up and down, no lingering at this altitude though I couldn't resist some wandering around Black Lake/Glacier. I had to go a bit in the cave (bottom picture:). This high is like stumbling around, you know when your drunk but are convinced your NOT drunk? Getting dark as we took a long time, found new paths back to base camp...

Snow cave(s)


Base and camp - Kawa Karpo & Baima snow mountains

5 hours up to get here. Another 2 to go at 4500+ meters. It was staring to get really cold...


stove and chickens

This is outside the kitchen...rooms are on the right, shared with the barn. Yubeng or Feili Temple area.


Mountain kitchen

Same place as the Leopard skin and hot water canisters..chickens outside to follow.


Things that make you hot

After the hike up and down the pass we ended up here. Dirty small rooms with fun people, some videos to follow...all set up for the trek to Black Lake and Glacier, and base camp.


Donkey Pass part 2

Donkey Pass Kawa Karpo & Baima Snow Mountains

It was a long long climb, we had donkey/horses on the way up, walked the way down. This is in North-West Yunnan bordering Tibet and Burma on the way to Kawa Karpo (6740m).


white pagoda fire, more White

When the donkey went home to sleep the fire was lit. Further North.