
Big Cabbage

Ella wants witty but I'm not very good at that. This is a cabbage. I found it in Shanghai, and they sell smaller versions at a large dirty market in Beijing. I don't know why they like the cabbage and why they would spend so much time making a big cabbage. There was a security fence around it that got moved and then they laughed at me while I sat on the floor to take the photo. Ella was laughing at me trying to write this, now she's mad because I called her a cabbage.


Anonymous said...

Does the cabbage have.......tentacles?
Is it a motile cabbage spirit?

Unknown said...

naturally it does but only when the sun goes down and they big cctv tower in the Shanghai sky sends for its help.

hoyden said...

calling you a cabbage wasn't an insult. in quebec, it is a term of endearment!

Anonymous said...

Ah ouia,
Chouette. Miner. Call her chouette from now on.

Unknown said...

Mom said Cabbage(kabousta) (v bad UK sp) in Slavic this is an endearment Is this a real cabbage or a ceramic one?