Yes really I saw this awhile ago and wanted to post it. What has taken so long is that I don't really know what it is. I found it, and many others like it, at almost every subway station. never more than one per platform. I just got home from a night of beer, flat bread, raw garlic, and meet skewers...I even convinced my friends to each eat the bottom leg of a lamb. That means all together we are responsible for one lamb? My students today all ate lamb tongues in class, I dont know where all these animals come from, or like the Kentucky chicken can they breed lambs with more than one taster in its mouth? Baaaaaa, I just finished Mirikami's "Dance, Dance, Dance" and like him I must acknowledge the sheep man, or the man wearing a sheep skin depending on which character we pretend to be. I apologize for my drunkin behaviour but really I am quite despicable right now (watch me dance). Watch me stumble, and let this be a warning that strange things are to come (I omitted a word my dear brother detests). Yes I did spend almost a week with a Chinese tour imagine the "beautiful" photos you are about to see. Relish in the thought of all-night-buses with karaoke, the museum of the "da gao" (large dog), and riding a donkey up the side of a mountain where the only pair of pants I had split at the crotch (one week in!). (yes you just read donkey and crotch in the same sentence) Check back on Wednesday (or Tuesday night in Canada) and the month that was will begin.
PS you are lucky if you read this because I likely will delete it come tomorrow:)
PPS It is tomorrow and I am resigned to leave this up so that I will never do it again.
PPPS Does anyone read this thing besides the two people who made it? Please leave some comments... even fake ones are good!
you spelled meat wrong, or did the meat meet in your mouth and have a meat meeting?
And Murakami.
I comment less because I was disgruntled at the pomeranians. I wanted mooooooore (daily 'boring' minutia please. Less focused bits that I cannot stitch together in an imagination of BJ) but on another blog she has denied me my request and rudely told me to come see for myself. Apparently, my requests are not in line with your aesthetic.
But this is more fun than usual. More please.
i like that it is a strange world just for us and only some of them.
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